jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011

Poetic Justice in Dante´s Inferno

“What goes around, comes around”

Poetic justice is a literary device used in modern literature in which the story is modified in order for morally correct deeds to be rewarded and/or actions considered valueless are punished by an unexpected change in the story, related to the character's conduct. Poetic justice has the same basic principles of karma, the actions you perform (cause) induce the effect, which affects you directly.

The Diviners, Magicians, and Astrologers reside in the Eight Circle, Malebolge, since divinity and magic were considered to be fraud. Dante and Virgil enter the Fourth Pouch, where they presence something unbelievable. The inhabitants of this pouch once left their common jobs and life convincing others they had powers which allowed them to see into the future. Therefore, while in Hell, the people are condemned look back forever, literally. The people destined to this pouch have their heads set backwards between their shoulders and have to walk this way. Dante and the Church both thought it was very offensive to deny and challenge God´s power for any pagan beliefs, so this is why they endure these consequences. Therefore, we can assure Inferno´s Canto XX does contain poetic justice, since the offenders have to suffer in a way that is related to the sin they committed.