domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012

A "Selfish" Gene?

"No matter how much knowledge of wisdom you acquire during your life, not one jot will be passed to your children by genetic means." (Pg 23)

I had thought this was a clear explanation of why the book was titled The Selfish Gene. A gene is learns and learns, studies and studies, but just does it for him/herself. It makes perfect sense; you work your butt off for yourself, not for other huh? You don´t have friends, you have a "pack" in case you have an issue that can be solved on their expense. 

For us its "morale," a useless idea that has sadly managed to successfully pass down through generations. The decision if the following: Worst case scenario, me walking down a street when suddenly, le wild armed guy appears. He orders me and the woman who was walking beside me to give him our things. 

Option 1: Tackle the old lady and run. She is weaker and has lived her life, I still have to live mine! 

Option 2: Use telepathy and communicate with the old lady. She knows Tae-Kwon-Do and so do I. We can use symbiosis and fight the guy off with our Hoo sin Sool.

Dawkins would probably urge me to tackle this lady, yet the morale I have learned from society tells me I must fend this guy off. We humans probably don´t have the selfish gene. I´m sorry Mr. Dawkins but most people probably have issues when deciding between letting their selfish gene rule or being rebels and letting society and it´s good ways lead the way.

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