lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

God vs. Philosophy

Unlike philosophy, which depends on the thinker, religion is always regulated by the same dogmas. Many people now find themselves being against religion because they see no sense in depending on a force they have no proof exists.

Never have religion and philosophy worked well together. Even in a satirical novel like Candide, there is clear despise between followers of both ways of education. Pangloss is hanged after he has a mild discussion with an officer of the Inquisition and tried to explain his point, just to be interrupted "when the officer nodded at his henchman" (pg. 35) and took Dr. Pangloss away. 

This makes me consider the Voltarian question "Why do bad things happen to good people?" After lamenting for his cruel fate, Candide thinks about Pangloss, Lady Cunégonde, and James the Anabaptist, all of them having suffered a cruel fate for all he knows. With no philosophical thoughts intended, many people are beginning to believe that if they oeuvre well, the worthiness of these actions will reflect upon them, as if they were lucky rnough for God to keep an eye on them.

2 comentarios:

  1. I cannot agree with you anymore when you state that religion has never gotten along with philosophy. Going back to a text I read by Nietzsche a German philosopher he openly refers to God as an unrealistic thing, that weak humans have been created to be guided through life.
    “I cannot believe in a God who wants to be praised all the time.”
    We can maybe infer that Voltaire is mocking the “creativity” of humanity to the point of creating religions. In my blog you can also see an entry about fanaticism, people relying with their actions towards God for their life to be perfect when Voltaire has proven to us that there is no such thing as a just life.

  2. Lina,

    Even though I'm not religious, I disagree in that religion does not depend on the thinker. Religion is what it's followers interpret it to be. One can interpret that that Bible says homosexuals or adulterers are not people, or that the Quran says killing others for your faith is honorable, but you can also understand that both of them praise living in peace with others. On the other hand, I do agree with you in that religion and philosophy don't get along, that is if you refer to conventional Catholic religion and modern philosophy. As many modern philosophers doubt the existence of God, like Descartes, they have been persecuted by the Catholic church.For example, Voltaire's Candide was prohibited for some time.
